Your Role
There are many ways that we can help make a difference to the welfare of food animals by the choices we make every day:
EAT LESS MEAT: As well as having benefits for your own health, eating less meat means that fewer animals are involved in its production and fewer suffer as a consequence. If you do eat meat, choose products that have been slaughtered close to where they were farmed to reduce the stress caused by transportation.
HIGHER WELFARE MEAT: Where possible select foods produced under better welfare conditions such as “Free Range” or “Outdoor Bred” where possible. These tend to originate from overseas because these production systems are not widely used at all in Hong Kong or China.
REQUEST YOUR LOCAL SUPERMARKET STOCK HIGHER WELFARE PRODUCTS: Remember trends in food production are always led by consumer demand.
AVOID IMPORTED FOODS PRODUCED UNDER INHUMANE CONDITIONS: Fois gras and veal are both popular items in expensive Hong Kong restaurants and are often produced under some of the worst animal welfare conditions of any meat product.
SELECT FOODS PRODUCED UNDER BETTER WELFARE CONDITIONS: “Barn eggs” produced from hens which have space to perch, nest and express normal behaviour may be slightly more expensive than battery eggs but result in far fewer welfare issues. They also tend to taste better, so it’s a ‘win-win.’
DO NOT BUY FRESH POULTRY FROM PLACES WHERE CONSCIOUS SLAUGHTER IS PRACTISED: The conscious slaughter of poultry constitutes one of the most significant animal welfare abuses in Hong Kong. Many thousands of birds every day could be spared a great deal of pain, fear and distress by the simple act of being rendered unconscious before slaughter.
About Farm Animals Welfare
Pig Welfare
Pigs originated from wild boar and were first domesticated as early as 10,000 years ago. Their adaptable omnivorous diet made them easier to keep than other species such as cattle ...
Chickens & Eggs
Every year Hong Kong imports and consumes more than 1.5 billion eggs making it the second largest egg importer in the world. The majority of these are produced in battery farming systems ...
Your Role
There are many ways that we can help make a difference to the welfare of food animals by the choices we make every day ...