As cats enter their senior years (i.e. seven years or older), like humans, they will slow down and become more prone to age-related ailments . They may also suffer from painful joints and may not be able to jump or groom themselves like they used to. Kidney and thyroid disease are also common and may result in overweight issues. Dental problems may affect their appetite; hence the cats will start to lose weight as they age.
The course will cover :
- The nutrition needs of senior cats
- Methods to calm your senior cats
- Understanding of common diseases such as stiffness, muscle loss, as well as kidney and other types of possible organ failure and their related treatments
Fee :
HK$450 (Members)
HK$550 (Non-Members)
*All proceeds from our courses will support the animal welfare initiatives at the SPCA.
*A certificate will be presented to each participant upon completion.
Please watch this space for details of the next training course and for any enquiries, please contact us on 2232 5574 or via training@spca.org.hk
Course Instructor
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc), University of Sydney, Australia.