Become a Member/Renewal

For over one hundred years, the SPCA has worked to improve the welfare of animals in Hong Kong. We have taken huge strides but there is so much more to be done. By becoming a Member, you will not only be helping animals, you’ll also receive an array of exclusive benefits and privileges!

Whether you are a pet owner or simply believe that animals deserve love and respect, everyone is welcome.


  • Regular Members have a minimum term of one year with renewal upon expiration.
  • Membership applicants must be aged 16 or above.

Family membership

Life Family Members
*Life Members are just that – members for life with one payment​
Family Members HK$450/year
2 Year Membership ​HK$800
$900 save $100
3 Year Membership HK$1,050
$1350 save $300

Family Members Renewal fee HK$400/year

(Enjoy a renewal discount if you renew your membership within two months after its expiry)

Family membership includes one primary card holder plus up to three family members, all holders of the same family membership must reside at the same address. Holders of the same family membership can be changed (except the primary holder) with a HK$20 administration fee for each person.

By choosing auto-renewal, the renewal fee would be paid automatically in the selected time interval.

Individual membership

Life Members
*Life Members are just that – members for life with one payment​
Annual Member HK$300/year
2 Year Membership ​HK$520
$600 save $80
3 Year Membership ​HK$700
$900 save $200

Individual Members Renewal fee HK$250/year

(Enjoy a renewal discount if you renew your membership within two months after its expiry)

Life membership and annual membership are individual memberships and are not transferable.

By choosing auto-renewal, the renewal fee would be paid automatically in the selected time interval.

Joining is simple !

Please click on one of the links above to join online. If you do not want to join online, then you can simply download and complete the Membership Application Form and either return it by post or fax it to the Membership Department together with your payment.

Payment methods

There are three ways to pay if you are applying by post:

  • A crossed cheque made payable to “SPCA(HK)”. Please write your name and contact number on the back of the cheque

  • Credit Card: please ensure it is valid for at least two months after the application date

  • Bank transfer: please transfer your payment to SPCA(HK) at HSBC, account number: 002-222438-001. Please send the original payment slip along with your application form to the Membership Department, or fax both to 2511 5590.

Offline membership renewal

Simply download the membership renewal form , fill it out and send it back to our Membership Department either by post or fax, along with your choice of payment.


If you have any queries during office hours (Mon to Fri 09:00-18:00), please contact our Membership Team at 2232 5548 or reach out to us via Our postal address is:
Membership Department, SPCA(HK), 5 Wan Shing Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Change of Personal Particulars/Donation Details

Donations help us fulfil our mission to help the animals of Hong Kong but it does not qualify donors for Membership and member services. If you wish to become a member, please click here.