Animal Welfare

What is Animal Welfare?

To us, animal welfare starts with the belief that animals are capable of feeling and are able to experience both suffering and well-being. Numerous studies have shown that animals are complex beings, able to experience emotions, communicate with each other, learn and feel pain.

Animal welfare is about ensuring the well-being of each animal from the its point of view. It encompasses both the physical and psychological aspects of its well-being.

The pages in this section will give you a good understanding of the issues we face in Hong Kong.

Five Freedoms

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The Five Freedoms were created in the UK by the Farm Animal Welfare Council in 1979 in response to large scale, industrial farms. They now form the basis of much animal welfare legislation in the UK, as well as the European Union’s policy on farm animal welfare.

five freedom

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare in Hong Kong

Whether we are pet owners or not, we are surrounded by animals and animal products. Hong Kong is a small territory but the density of its population means that a very large number ...

Puppy Trade and its Cruelty

The SPCA is opposed to the pet trade and all those who make money trading animals as stock. There are thousands of animals who need a home and we implore anyone considering becoming a ...

Farm Animals

The vast majority of people in Hong Kong eat meat, eggs, dairy products and seafood every day. Intensive methods of animal production have led to spectacular increases in productivity. What ...

Animal Welfare Campaigns and Programs

Every year many thousands of unwanted animals are born in Hong Kong often as a result of accidental mating. To prevent this problem, ...


Today's 22-person team grew from humble beginnings that predate the formation of the SPCA. The goal was to protect Hong Kong’s animals by patrolling, inspecting and ...