Preventative Pet Health
Problems in our pets are much easier to treat if they are detected early. Preventative medicine is designed to stop problems developing, helping our pets live longer, healthier and happier lives. Good preventative medicine helps ...

Lost Pet - What to do?
Losing a pet is a very distressing experience for both animal and owner but each month the SPCA is able to reunite about 25 animals.
Below are some resources to help you not ...

Which Pet Is For You?
Our homing centres have a variety of animals of all ages waiting for adoption. They include: dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters and terrapins and on occasion other exotic animals such as snakes, lizards and ...

Surrendering a Pet
Occasionally owners surrender pets to us due to tragic, unavoidable events in their families such as illness or death. However, the majority of owners who surrender their animals do so because they did not consider the long term ...

Post Adoption Support
SPCA is committed to helping our adoption animals find lifelong homes, providing adopters who might have difficulties adjusting to their new pet with post-adoption behavioural support.