Pet Wellness Checks

As humans, we care deeply about our own “wellness” and ensure we get checked regularly for a whole range of chronic illnesses we can treat such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. We believe that pets should have a similar level of care, particularly given the part they play in our lives and the fact that they age faster than people.

Our Wellness Clinics offer a comprehensive annual health check which includes a thorough clinical examination, blood pressure measurement and laboratory tests. These checks will give you peace of mind regarding your pet’s health and enable us to detect disease early enough to treat and nip the problem in the bud, or at least slow it down.

We offer these Wellness Checks at a special promotional price and, in addition to the check-up itself, the fee includes discounted vouchers and special gifts. For more details on our wellness clinics please visit our webpage .

For appointments please call our hotline on 2802 0501 or any of our SPCA clinics.


Wellness Clinic

Wellness Clinics are an established part of the SPCA’s commitment to client service and to improve patient care.