Inspectors in the Community

Inspectors in the Community

Our Inspectorate team believes that education can play a major part in reducing animal cruelty so they spend time in the community on a number of programmes:

Students and Schools

In addition to the Inspectorate’s frequent collaboration with SPCA’s Education Department, the team also runs its own youth outreach programme, the Cadet Inspector Corps, which is a fantastic opportunity for 16- and 17-year olds looking for practical experience to learn about animal welfare


Comprised of ex-SPCA staff and members of the uniformed services, the Volunteer Inspector Cadre provides administrative, operational and managerial assistance to the Inspectorate.

Community Education

The Inspectorate also works to help animal welfare through community engagement for our various welfare programmes, as well as through community education and intervention.


The Inspectorate delivers many talks each year on a wide range of topics from responsible pet ownership, animal handling and care to animal cruelty prevention and legislation.

Caring Community Campaigns

These campaigns target areas (housing estates or villages) that may have animal welfare issues. In such cases, the Inspectorate not only provides professional advice but also a mediation-based approach to help the community identify problem areas and find a workable compromise.

These campaigns can include talks and home visits, where inspectors will gather feedback from residents regarding the issues.

Home visits

In an ongoing effort to improve the welfare of animals, home visits may be requested in special cases to assist in animal welfare related issues.

City Redevelopment Visits

Recognising that enforced relocation can be problematic, our inspectors visit residents affected by redevelopment projects. Inspectors encourage people to consider their pets and either move with their animals to new locations or if that is not a possibility, find suitable homes well in advance.

Stakeholder Meetings and Site Assessments

Inspectors provide support to a wide range of programmes including the Cat Colony Care Programme and Community Dog Programme delivering valuable assistance through stakeholder meetings, site assessments and case reviews.

Training and Technical Expertise

As Asia’s oldest animal inspectorate, our inspectors often share their substantial professional and technical expertise with local and regional government agencies and NGOs both in Hong Kong and abroad.

More to Read

Cadet Inspectors

The Cadet Inspectors Corps of the SPCA was established in 2008 to help 16- and 17-year olds learn about animal welfare concepts whilst gaining practical experience from our Inspectorate team.


Investigating Cruelty

Our Inspectorate team is dedicated to protecting the welfare of animals and is best known for its work with Hong Kong law enforcement agencies to protect them against cruelty.

Animal Watch Scheme

As a way to combat animal cruelty more effectively, the Hong Kong Police set up the Animal Watch Scheme to formalise the working relationship between the Police, SPCA and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD).

What is animal welfare?

In Hong Kong, the key animal welfare law is Cap.169 – the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance – and the regulations provided under Cap.169A. These define cruelty as the action or inaction of a person (or persons) that causes ...

Your role in combatting cruelty

The SPCA operates a 24-hour confidential hotline for members of the public to report animal cruelty and this plays a major part in helping us protect animals in Hong Kong. If you suspect animal cruelty is being committed, here are some signs ...

Preventing Dog Poisonings

For three decades, the Bowen Road and Black's Link areas have become synonymous with a suspected dog poisoner. In the early 1990s, dogs were found poisoned almost every month having ingested bait left in the grass verges and more ...

Inspectors in the Community

Our Inspectorate team believes that education can play a major part in reducing animal cruelty so they spend time in the community on a number of programs ...

Inspectorate organisation

Our 22 fulltime employees are organised into three core teams, overseen by the Superintendent who reports to the Deputy Director, Inspectorate ...