Related to B&T Consultations

Behavioural Consultations

We all want to have well-mannered, socialized, and obedient pets. However, behavioural problems can arise from a great number of reasons such as genetic influences, poor socialisation and traumatic experiences. If you are concerned about an aspect of your pet’s behaviour? Please consult our Senior Behavioural Support Technician, Lily Leung.

Dog Behaviour and Training

There is no time like the present to train a puppy, or retrain your dog, to help them fit into our world a little better. The SPCA offers training programmes aim at pngreventi problems arising (Puppy Socialisation Training) and to equip you with …

Meet our Trainers

Click “Read More” to meet our trainers.

Dog Behaviour and Training Courses

Click “Read More” to learn more about our dog training courses.